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School Safety










All educational establishments and services must take positive steps to keep children safe.
Schools, establishments and services must create and maintain a positive ethos and climate which actively promotes child welfare and a safe environment by:

*ensuring that children are respected and listened to

*ensuring that programmes of health and personal safety are central to the curriculum

*ensuring that staff are well aware of child protection issues and procedures

*establishing and maintaining close working relationships and arrangements with all other agencies to ensure that professionals collaborate effectively to protect children.

Should any individual have concerns regarding the welfare or safety of any child they must report these concerns to Child Protection Coordinator (Mrs Capanni, Head Teacher) or in her absence, Miss Dillon or Mr Kane (Deputy Head Teachers).
The Head Teacher, or the person deputising for her, after judging that there may be grounds for concern regarding the welfare or safety of any pupil, must then immediately follow relevant Child Protection procedures to ensure that these concerns are addressed promptly. 
Safety and Security

All visitors must report to the School Office.

Visitors should sign the Visitor Book and wear a Visitor Badge if they are moving around the school.

Parents/Carers wishing to speak with their child's class teacher will be able to do so by appointment.


Pupil Pick-Up Arrangements

Young children should be picked up by an adult at the end of the school day. Please inform your child’s teacher if there will be a change to your usual arrangements. If collecting your child during the school day please report to the school office.

Any individual picking up a child should be over the age of 16.


Physical Education - Children's Jewellery

Parents/carers are reminded of the need for pupils to have all jewellery removed at home on the mornings before Physical Education lessons.



If you wish your child's ears to be pierced, please ensure that this is done at the beginning of the summer holidays. Children are not permitted to take part in P.E lessons with earrings in and the healing time is 6 weeks. This means your child will miss out on 12 lessons. Hooped earrings should not be worn at any time because of the possibility of an accident.


School Playground

Parents/carers are reminded that smoking/vaping and dogs are not permitted in the school grounds.

Whilst waiting for children at the end of the school day, please stand well back from the school’s exits  to allow children to see who is collecting them.