As a staff in Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, we will consistently PROMOTE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR and provide opportunities for all children and young people to experience success.
Children and young people will be encouraged to take responsibility for their learning, behaviour and achievement thus contributing effectively to their learning community. The important role of parents/carers in their children's learning is fully recognised. We make a firm commitment to them that we will work in close partnership to support all learners.
This policy is designed to promote a consistent approach to maintaining good behaviour across all stages of our school.
All members of the school community work to promote positive behaviour within a happy, safe and caring environment whilst:
*Motivating children through praise and the celebration of success.
*Treating ALL members of the school community with respect and fairness.
*Encouraging pupils to develop a sense of self-discipline and an acceptance of responsibility for their own actions.
*Encouraging pupils to develop positive caring attitudes towards one another and the environment.
*Listening with care to one another's views and valuing them.
*Developing an awareness in our young people of how their actions may impact upon the safety of themselves and others.
*Working closely with parents, staff and external agencies.
*Fulfilling our responsibilities (as pupils, parents/carers or members of staff) with regard to:
· Punctuality
· Coming to school prepared.
· Completing tasks to the best of their ability.
· Taking responsibility for our building and equipment.
· Being actively engaged in opportunities for learning.
Golden Time
In Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, we implement Golden Rules as advocated by Jenny Mosley. The Golden Rules are:
· Do be gentle, don't hurt anyone.
· Do be kind, don't hurt anyone's feelings.
· Do be honest, don't cover up the truth.
· Do work hard, don't waste time.
· Do look after property, don't waste or damage things.
· Do listen to others, don't interrupt.
Golden Time is the special time given to the children as a reward for obeying the Golden Rules all week.
At the beginning of each week the children 'sign-up' to their chosen activity. The children will know on a Monday what activity they will be involved in on the Friday. If children do not get their first choice one week, they should get it the next. If a particular activity is extremely popular it may be necessary to operate a rota system for that activity. Golden Time should last for 1 hour. This includes the setting up and clearing away of activities.
Loss of Golden Time is used as an effective sanction and operates as follows:
*Every time a child breaks a Golden Rule a verbal warning is issued, if this behaviour continues then the child is issued with a yellow card and then finally a red card. On the occasion of a red card being issued the child will lose 5 minutes of their Golden Time.
*During Golden Time children who have lost time should sit quietly observing the other children enjoying Golden Time.
*When his/her 'lost time' is completed the pupil will join in the class Golden Time activities.
Earning Back Golden Time
If a child has lost the majority of their Golden Time by Thursday lunchtime, he/she can negotiate a way to earn some of the time back.
Current strategies used across the school in individual classes include:
· Credit Books
· Golden Table
· Effort Chart
· Group Stars/Points
· Stickers
· Golden Time Extensions
· Verbal Praise
· Stop Spot
· Star of the Day
· Bubble Box
· Assemblies
These strategies are deployed to encourage children to follow the rules of the school.
We adopt a whole school behaviour management system (red and yellow cards). This is a three-strike system, where the offending behaviour will be acknowledged initially by a verbal warning, should the behaviour continue the child will be issued with a yellow card and should the behaviour persist, then a red card is issued.
Should a child be issued with a red card then one of the following sanctions will be put in place:
· Moving seats
· Time out in a specific place within the classroom
· Loss of Golden Time
· Letters of apology
· Loss of privileges
Playground Behaviour & Safety
Children spend 20% of their school day in the playground and conflicts can arise. For this reason, we have designated staff members who monitor the playgrounds.
To ensure a smooth transition to and from the school building to the playground:
*Staff will only leave the playground in an emergency.
*In the Infant playground particular attention must be paid to the areas near the school gates.
*Toilets are located at the end of the infant corridor. During interval these are monitored by a member of staff. Primary 7 children are only permitted to use the toilets upstairs during interval times.
*Any adult entering the playground must be approached to ascertain their reason for being there.
*Staff must ensure that all external door are closed except the dining hall door and door leading to the toilets in the infant playground.
*Children should line up when the bell sounds at the class assembly point and should enter the building only when accompanied by a member of staff.
*Lines should not be brought into the school until they are quiet and orderly.
*Children should be escorted to the playground at the beginning of an interval and collected from the playground at the end of each interval by a member of staff.
ALL teachers should escort their classes to the playground at the 2:50pm/3:00pm dismissal.
In the event of an EMERGENCY all staff in the playground have an emergency card which should be used to summon a member of the Senior Management Team.
Anti- Bullying
We have an Anti-Bullying policy which helps everyone to know what bullying is and how to take immediate action to stop it. Parents/Carers who have any concerns about their child being bullied should not hesitate to contact the Head Teacher as soon as possible.
*If a child has a grievance or concern, it should be reported to a member of staff who will deal with the matter.
*Physical violence is not acceptable and neither is retaliation.
*Racial abuse or discrimination will not be tolerated.
*Rudeness to others and bad language are not tolerated.
Major Breaches of Discipline
Major breaches of discipline include:
· Physical assault
· Deliberate damage to property
· Stealing
· Leaving the school premises without permission
· Verbal abuse
· Refusal to work
· Disruptive behaviour in class
This type of behaviour is rare and is immediately referred to the Head Teacher (via the Red Emergency Card) who will deal with it appropriately and contact parents/carers to inform them.
Behaviour on School Transport
All behaviour on school transport, whether being conveyed to or from Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School on a daily basis or taking part in an excursion or outdoor learning activity, is subject to the same behaviour expectations held in school. The welfare and safety of all our children is of the upmost importance. Expected behaviour is as follows:
*All children will board the bus, minibus or taxi in an orderly manner, from the pavement.
*The bus driver will open and close the doors.
*Staff should ensure that children are securely seated and that seatbelts remain fastened during the entire journey.
*There is no eating or drinking whilst travelling on school transport.
Lourdes Primary School150 Berryknowes RoadGlasgowG52 2DEPhone: 0141 882 2305Fax: 0141 891 5926