At Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School we use a variety of ways to keep in touch.
Newsletters – will be sent out on a monthly basis to keep parents informed about the work of the school. These are also available interactively on our school website.
Letters – further information which requires a response may be sent out in letter form.
Meetings - Parents/carers are welcome in the school to discuss any aspect of their child’s development and progress. To avoid disappointment, it is advisable to make an appointment. There are various opportunities throughout the year when parents/carers can discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher and view the child’s work.
Open Door Policy – the senior management team are available for all parents/carers providing they are not teaching or in another meeting. Please either pop in to the school office or phone for an appointment.
Class/Homework Diaries – will let parents/carers know what homework has been set and is also used to communicate between the class teacher and parents.
Parents/carers are welcome at other events throughout the school year e.g. workshops, Meet the Teacher evenings, class performances and shows, religious and other assemblies.
Twitter @Lourdesprimary and our school website will also keep you informed while also guiding you towards relevant information and helpful hints to improve our partnership working.
Lourdes Primary School150 Berryknowes RoadGlasgowG52 2DEPhone: 0141 882 2305Fax: 0141 891 5926